Tuesday, October 12, 2010

NO macro recorder in Powerpoint 2010

Well, I was working on the Evan Hardy honour roll powerpoint.  It crashed on a line of code about inserting a new slide.  So, I tried to find record a macro in Powerpoint 2010.  No luck.  Tried the office help system. Nothing.  Google.  Found that according to this MSDN page, there is no macro recorder in Powerpoint 2010.  Well, this just blew away the main tool for VBA programmers!  I don't see how MS can say they'll keep supporting VBA and then omit the macro recorder!  What a load of crap.

I see they left the macro recorder in Word and Excel.  Why the heck would they remove it from Powerpoint 2010?

For Powerpoint 2007, the macro recorder is hidden.  Hit Alt-T M R (found the tip at this site).  Wonder if this will work for Powerpoint 2010?  IT DOESN'T!


  1. I share your frustration and disbelief! I can write VBA but I used the macro recorder in Powerpoint to tell me how to refer to elements in my slides! Have you every found out WHY they removed this GREAT tool??

  2. Why? "Follow the money, honey," as they say. Someone at MS dreamed up a notion of how to make money by withholding it. It's a stupid and ineffectual theory, so your guess is as good as mine as to what kind of Arkham Asylum logic they used to derive that blunder.

    Probably because people like you and me were using it, just as Glen said, and they realized they were not getting paid for our expertise in using their time-saving tool. I guess that makes us just a bunch of thieving thugs in their eyes. Pow!
