Saturday, November 27, 2010

Taiwan Elections - no break throughs, but hope?

Well, there were no breakthroughs in the Taiwan local elections.  DPP wins Tainan and Kaohsiung and KMT wins Taipei, Taipei County and Taichung.  It was pretty close in Taichung though. Sad.  Taiwanese didn't wake up yet.  I'm very disappointed.  However, the number of council members for DPP and KMT was even at 130 each.  Tsai Ing-wen may well be running for President in 2012 and I hope she can build momentum and WIN for Taiwan.  We need her.  Full results were obtained from the Central Election Commission website.

Now, to show the cultural difference between Taiwan and Canada, in the summary of candidates, the CEC displays the educational level achieved by each candidate:
Now, using President Ma as an example, what use is a bought PhD in law from Harvard University if said PhD says illogical things like "the judiciary is biased" when the judgments handed down don't satisfy the KMT?

We were at parent-teacher interviews yesterday and instead of focusing on how many "E's" our kid got, the talk was about is he being a good kid and does he enjoy school.  Is he learning?  Note:  more "E's" doesn't mean more learning.  It's not about being smart, it's about working at it (practice).  Our kid is very lucky to have the teacher he has.  I would say she is a master teacher.  She genuinely enjoys her job and spends a lot of time in the classroom with her students academically and during the lunch hour.  A dedicated teacher indeed.

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